Natural areas in the surroundings of the Huelva Port (A_26)
The Huelva Port is located in an environment of great environmental and biological richness, and adjacent to it and within the Service Area itself there are protected natural spaces that occupy a surface area of approximately 12,000 hectares, of which 560 are included in the Huelva Port Service Area.

The Port of Huelva is located in an environment with great environmental and biological wealth.
These areas are protected in several ways, including the following: Natural Site, Nature Reserve, Biosphere Reserve (MAB Programme), Wetlands of International Importance included in the RAMSAR List, Special Protection Areas for Birds (SPAs) and Sites of Community Interest (SCIs), and are as follows:
Name | Type of space9 | Distance to the port10 |
Wetlands of the Odiel Natural Site | MAB, RAMSAR, ZEPA, LIC | Partially included |
Estero Domingo Rubio Natural Site | ZEPA, LIC | 0 Km |
Laguna de Palos and Las Madres Natural Site | RAMSAR, LIC | 3.2 Km |
Isla de Enmedio Nature Reserve | MAB, RAMSAR, ZEPA, LIC | 1 Km |
Marismas del Burro Nature Reserve | MAB, RAMSAR, ZEPA, LIC | 0 Km |
9) SCI, ZEPA, RAMSAR Wetlands, Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC), etc.
10) Means the distance to the physical port, i.e. land area and I-zone. When wholly or partly within the area, it is defined as included or partly included, as appropriate. Where adjacent, this shall be indicated: 0 km.
Among these areas, the Marismas del Odiel Natural Park stands out for its environmental values and surface area (6,631 hectares), which has been declared a Biosphere Reserve, SPA, SCI and is included in the RAMSAR List.
This site is partially included in the Port Service Area, occupying a surface area of 562 hectares, specifically on the right bank of the Odiel estuary, where there are practically no port operations. There is therefore a close link between the management of this natural area and the Port Authority, which forms part of its Board of Trustees.

The ecological value of this natural area of Wetlands of the Odiel lies in the fact that they are ecosystems of estuarine, tidal and continentalised marshes, including highly productive coastal sandy ecosystems, which constitute a strategic point for nesting and breeding migratory birds and are home to a wide variety of habitats and landscapes.
Having been declared a Biosphere Reserve since 1983, the Wetlands of the Odiel Natural Site is home to protected species such as the spoonbill, grey heron, purple heron, marsh harrier, osprey, flamingo, black stork and otter, among others.
Schematic description of projects for the regeneration of the natural environment undertaken by the Port Authority, and valuation in euros of the cost of these actions (A_28)
Landscape improvement actions | |
Name | Remodelling of the surroundings of the Monumento a la Fe Descubridora |
Place | Punta del Sebo, Huelva. |
State | Status of development during 2023: completed |
Year | 2022-2023 |
Reason | Improve the connectivity of the existing urban fabric with the port through the adaptation of the surroundings of the Monumento a la Fe Descubridora, and its connection to the recently reformed Francisco Montenegro Avenue. |
Description | It consists of remodelling and improving accessibility in the area around the Monumento a la Fe Descubridora, located in Punta del Sebo, Huelva, recovery of pine forests and marshes, installation of new urban furniture such as benches and fountains and improvements in lighting and ground qualification, guaranteeing a greater perceived safety in the area. The intervention in the area around the monument will double the pedestrian area from the current 6,000 m2 to more than 12,000 m2. This increase in pedestrian space benefits both the Punta del Sebo beach and the adjacent marshland area, whose accessibility is considerably improved. This project is committed to energy efficiency and sustainability, promoting natural water cycles, the use of highly efficient public lighting with LED streetlights and beacons, the reduction of water consumption for irrigation thanks to rainwater harvesting, the use of indigenous plants and xeriscaping. |
Investment and expenditure in € | 603,092.58 € |

Landscape improvement actions | |
Name | Refurbishment of the Tharsis Wharf |
Place | Tharsis Wharf |
Status | Development status during the year 2023: in progress |
Year | 2022-2024 |
Reason | The Huelva Port continues to work to maintain and recover its architectural heritage. |
Description | The project consists of the structural rehabilitation of the property known as the loading dock of the Compañía Española de Minas de Tharsis in the Huelva Port, in the General Catalogue of Andalusian Historical Heritage, with specific character and category of Monument. This Wharf has been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest, establishing its protection regime under the Law of Spanish Historical Heritage 16/1985 of 25 June. The Loading Dock of the Compañía Española de Minas de Tharsis belongs to the group of civil and industrial engineering works that were carried out in the second half of the 19th century in the province of Huelva as a result of the development of mining activity due to the boom in the exploitation of the mines located in the Cuenca Minera and Andévalo. |
Investment and expenditure in € | 1,827,564.38 euros |