The Huelva Port Authority, which is fully committed to the objective of maintaining sustainable activities; a concept which includes the maintenance and preservation of the natural environment in which it operates, functions clearly and decisively in line with its Strategic Plan, which has been designed to include the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and environmental monitoring and oversight of stringent parameters that comply with the regulations and legislation currently in force.

At a European level, the environmental guidelines and objectives set by the European Commission have given rise to extensive regulatory developments that European ports have implemented and reinforced with tools such as the ISO 14001 and PERS environmental management systems, as is the case of the Huelva Port.
Within the framework of the environmental strategy of the Port of Huelva, it is necessary to consider not only port activities, but also the environment in which they are carried out.
Within the framework of the Huelva Port’s environmental strategy, it is necessary to consider not only the port activities alone, but also the environment in which they are carried out, the environmental quality standards to be met, and the activities carried out by external agents with a direct influence on the Port Service Area and, consequently, on the Port’s environmental management.