Estimated total number of direct jobs generated by maritime freight terminals, passenger terminals and companies providing port services (S_19)
As mentioned in indicator E_14, the Economic Impact Study of the Huelva Port, updated with data for the year 2022, considers the rest of the Port Industry within the Port Industry impact group, which is made up of those companies that make port traffic possible (shipping agents, forwarding agents, stevedores, mooring agents, tugboats, etc.). According to the data provided by this study, which follows the methodology based on the 2016 Input-Output Framework of the Andalusian Institute of Statistics and Cartography, the total number of direct jobs generated by this group amounts to 603.
Requirement for preventive and safety measures (S_20)
Over the last few years, HPA has increased its efforts to promote occupational safety and coordination of business activities in compliance with increasingly demanding standards and a social leadership responsibility in the port environment.
In the Terms of Reference, the HPA requires applicants for licences or authorisations to provide port services that comply with certain conditions to ensure the proper functioning of the CBA, as indicated in Article 65 of the Consolidated Text of the Law on State Ports and the Merchant Navy. The company providing the service will be responsible for complying with the obligations of the CBA.
With regard to concessions, the person responsible for the concession will act as the holder or principal, depending on the situation, assuming responsibility and organising preventive coordination with the contractor companies, subcontractors and/or self-employed workers with whom he/she contracts the performance of works or services in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 171/2004, of 30 January, which develops article 24 of Law 31/1995, of 8 November, on the Prevention of Occupational Risks, in relation to the Coordination of Business Activities.
Likewise, it is essential for the service provider to comply with Occupational Risk Prevention regulations, ensuring the rights, protection and well-being of all employees in their charge in all work areas, with the necessary human and material resources to carry out the activities in a safe manner. Furthermore, it is crucial for it to be integrated into the Port’s Inland Emergency Plan and, if necessary, into the Port Security Plan.
The APH has increased its dedication to promoting workplace safety and the coordination of business activities in compliance with more demanding standards.

Rehabilitation to ensure the stability and structural safety of the loading dock of the Spanish mining company Tharsis.
Mechanisms for the coordination of business activities (S_21)
Prevention and coordination of business activities is fundamental in port security management, which implies increasing efforts to control, coordinate and anticipate all the circumstances that interact in the port environment.
Given the complexity of the port environment, with multiple actors carrying out their activities simultaneously, a high level of coordination and control is required to ensure the safety of people, the environment and facilities.
To achieve these objectives, HPA has an internal Construction Site Safety and CBA Division and external support from an engineering company specialising in the coordination of health and safety on construction sites and CBA, responsible for implementing the necessary control measures in the different processes, integrating prevention as a fundamental part of the company’s activity.
This coordinated action ranges from the management of the necessary documentation for the companies involved in the various workplaces and construction sites, to access control for workers, as well as the authorisation of suppliers and visitors.
In addition, the HPA’s Site Safety and CBA Division uses various mechanisms and means, such as regular meetings, exchange of information, specialised computer applications, contracting of specialised companies and drafting of instructions and procedures.
It is important to highlight that for the management of the CBA, the HPA has a computer application that allows companies to access the occupational risks in the port area and the necessary documentation for the development of works and services for the HPA.
Given the complexity of the port environment, high coordination and control is required to guarantee the safety of people, the environment and facilities.

Single access to the outer harbour.

New ro-ro platform at the South Wharf of the Huelva Port.
Total number and percentage of maritime freight terminals and maritime passenger terminals under concession or authorisation and as companies licensed or authorised to provide port or commercial services with OHSAS (S_22)
Total number and percentage of maritime terminals and service companies that have implemented an OHSAS or ISO 45.001 occupational risk prevention system | |||
Type of terminal/ service | Total no | No with Oshas/45001 | % with EMS |
Freight terminal | 6 | 6 | 100% |
Passenger terminal | 1 | 1 | 100% |
Stevedoring service | 8 | 1 | 13% |
MARPOL Service | 8 | 8 | 100% |
Nautical technical service (pilotage, towing and mooring) | 5 | 2 | 40% |
Port Services (other) | 54 | 13 | 25% |
Security and safety training actions for the port community (S_23)
Training and protection actions have been limited to exercises and drills carried out jointly in the field of both safety and security.