Mechanisms for worker representation and communication with management (S_05)
Two representatives of the Trade Union Organisations (U.G.T. and CC.OO.) form part of the Board of Directors of the Huelva Port Authority.
Together with the Works Committee, the legal representation of the workers in the Entity is articulated through each of the Trade Union Sections (CC.OO., C.T.P.A. and U.G.T.).
The Works Committee holds regular meetings with management to discuss matters of interest, alongside the other committees necessary for the proper participation of workers.
Mechanisms for the technical participation of workers in the improvement of production processes (S_06)
There are committees, generally of a joint nature, where discussions may be held on matters related to the production process, work organisation, application of current regulations, prevention and safety, etc.
They are as follows:
- Local Responsibilities Committee
- Local Agreement Negotiating Committee
- Occupational Health and Safety Committee
- Equality Plan Monitoring Committee
- Pension Plan Committee
- Loan Committee