ASSETS | 2023 | 2022 |
A) Non current assets | 547,269,976.86 | 553,175,627.72 |
I. Intangible assets | 4,227,111.85 | 4,925,568.34 |
1. Industrial property and intangible assets | 3,130,923.17 | 3,514,301.57 |
2. Computer applications/software | 1,096,188.68 | 1,411,266.77 |
3. Advances for intangible assets | - | - |
II. Tangible assets | 432,087,329.93 | 414,364,616.05 |
1. Land and natural resources | 160,555,572.23 | 152,913,454.13 |
2. Buildings | 227,190,159.21 | 202,409,187.75 |
3. Equipment and technical installations | 120,772.36 | 141,360.20 |
4. Assets under construction and advances | 42,813,569.08 | 57,104,491.32 |
5. Other fixed assets | 1,407,257.05 | 1,796,122.65 |
III. Property investments | 97,950,643.19 | 99,683,389.35 |
1. Land | 70,552,934.10 | 70,552,934.10 |
2. Buildings | 27,397,709.09 | 29,130,455.25 |
IV. Long-term investments in group and associated companies | 2,608,823.54 | 2,682,411.77 |
1. Equity instruments | - | - |
2. Loans to companies | 2,608,823.54 | 2,682,411.77 |
V. Long-term financial investments | 2,450,840.36 | 25,347,280.53 |
1. Equity instruments | - | - |
2. Loans to third parties | 262,790.63 | 225,296.31 |
3. Public Administrations, official grants pending receip | - | - |
4. Other financial assets | 2,188,049.73 | 25,121,984.22 |
VI. Deferred tax assets | 7,945,227.99 | 6,172,361.68 |
VII. Non-current trade debtors | 0.00 | 0.00 |
B) Current assets | 142,314,446.37 | 122,930,463.42 |
I. Non-current assets held for sale | - | - |
II. Stocks | 433,901.34 | 348,789.56 |
III. Trade debtors and other receivables | 10,697,365.78 | 15,586,350.63 |
1. Customers for sales and provision of services | 5,418,250.92 | 6,572,041.60 |
2. Customers and debtors, group and associated companies | 945,835.98 | |
3. Sundry debtors | 9,610.23 | 11,876.43 |
4. Public Administrations, official grants pending receipt | - | - |
5. Other credits with Public Administrations | 5,269,504.63 | 8,056,596.62 |
IV. Short-term investments in group and associated companies | 78,239.54 | 46,400.89 |
V. Short-term financial investments | 118,831,397.95 | 97,775,303.35 |
1. Equity instruments | - | - |
2. Loans to companies | - | - |
3. Other financial assets | 118,831,397.95 | 97,775,303.35 |
VI. Timing differences | 14,999.00 | - |
VII. Cash and cash equivalents | 12,258,542.76 | 9,173,618.99 |
1. Cash | 12,258,542.76 | 9,173,618.99 |
2. Cash equivalents | - | - |
Total Assets (A+B) | 689,584,423.23 | 676,106,091.14 |
A) EQUITY | 661,024,487.08 | 646,730,901.95 |
A-1) Own funds | 608,508,251.45 | 596,576,542.21 |
I. Equity | 283,133,238.36 | 283,133,238.36 |
II. Retained earnings | 313,443,303.85 | 299,055,164.15 |
III. Profit / (loss) for the year | 11,931,709.24 | 14,388,139.70 |
A-2) Adjustments for changes in value | - | - |
I. Financial assets at fair value with changes in equity | - | - |
II. Hedging transactions | - | - |
III. Others | - | - |
A-3) Subsidies, donations and bequests received | 52,516,235.63 | 50,154,359.74 |
B) NON CURRENT LIABILITIES | 21,790,181.91 | 20,558,723.27 |
I. Long-term provisions | - | - |
1. Liabilities for long-term staff benefits | - | - |
2. Provisions for liabilities | - | - |
3. Other provisions | - | - |
II. Long-term debt | 7,705,684.40 | 7,639,805.18 |
1. Debts with credit institutions | - | - |
2. Long-term asset suppliers | - | - |
3. Other debts | 7,705,684.40 | 7,639,805.18 |
III. Long-term debts with group and associated companies | - | - |
IV. Deferred tax liabilities | 14,084,497.51 | 12,918,918.09 |
V. Long-term accruals | - | - |
C) Current liabilities | 6,769,754.24 | 8,816,465.92 |
II. Short-term provisions | 565,012.15 | 571,182.40 |
III. Short-term debts | 1,606,502.47 | 851,777,61 |
1. Debts with credit institutions | - | - |
2. Short-term suppliers of assets | 83,054.54 | 200,599.17 |
3. Other financial liabilities | 1,523,447.93 | 651,178.44 |
IV. Short-term debts with group and associated companies | 15,280.58 | 1,002,795.45 |
V. Trade creditors and other payables | 4,582,959.04 | 6,390,710.46 |
1. Creditors and other payables | 4,023,114.36 | 4,138,268.76 |
2. Public Administrations, advances on grants | - | 1,550,000.00 |
3. Other debts with Public Administrations | 559,844.68 | 702,441.70 |
VI. Timing differences | - | - |
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (A+B+C) | 689,584,423.23 | 676,106,091.14 |